Physics ∩ ML

a virtual hub at the interface of theoretical physics and deep learning.

Past talks:

01 Jul 2020
17 Jun 2020

Deep Learning and Quantum Gravity

Koji Hashimoto, Osaka University, 12:00 EDT
03 Jun 2020

Why do neural networks generalise in the overparameterised regime?

Ard Louis, University of Oxford, 12:00 EDT
20 May 2020

Building symmetries into generative flow models

Phiala Shanahan, MIT, 12:00 EDT
06 May 2020

Natural Graph Networks

Taco Cohen, Qualcomm AI Research, 12:00 EDT
For link and password to the talks, please sign up for the Physics ∩ ML mailing list.
Videos may be found on our YouTube channel and slides by clicking on past talk titles.